ICT Management Education™

An education that equips you to act professionally in connection with ICT construction projects. This is Denmark's most recognized ICT education with over 1200 trained ICT managers. After finishing the education, you receive a certificate.

Become a certified ICT Manager

The ICT Management Education™ for construction professionals

The ICT Management Education™ equips you to drive your projects to the finish line with minimized risk, and to obtain more successfull projects that are complient with requirements. Moreover, the education covers the new AB18, ABR18, and YBL18 guidelines, explaining the implications for you as an ICT Manager and for the client and project stakeholders. The education teaches you how to make informed ICT decisions and to work towards the best results as an ICT manager.

What do you learn?

  • Gain the skills to practice effective ICT Management

  • Learn about the ICT regulations, AB18, ABR18 and YBL18, and their implications for your speficic role

  • Learn how ICT agreements are structured and which contractual requirements are important

  • Gain knowledge about legal factors, Facility Management and Change Management in relation to ICT


Practical information:

The education is held in Copenhagen:

  • Price: DKK 22.995 per participant (excl. VAT)

  • Three days: from 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

  • Breakfast, lunch, coffee, tea and cake are served all three days

  • There are 2 multiple-choice tests and a group assignment with presentation

  • If you pass the tests, you will receive a certificate


Download brochure for the

ICT Management Education

Download our brochure and get more knowledge about the lessons and the programme
for all three days of the ICT- Management Education.

Lessons for all three days:

  • Lesson 1: ICT- Managers roll

  • Lesson 2: The ICT regulations

  • Lesson 3: Facility Management

  • Lesson 4: Change Management

  • Lesson 5: Construction law & digitalisation

  • Lesson 6: Copyright & digitalisation

  • Workshop with Kim Jacobsen




Price per. participant DKK 22.995,-
excl. VAT, incl. catering

Et bord med forskellige deltagere som sidder klar til undervisning

Get 10 % discount if you are a member of:

- The Danish Association of Architects
- The Danish Association of Architectual Firms
- Konstruktørforeningen
- The Danish Facilities Management Network
- The Danish Association of Construction Clients
- The Danish Association of Professional Technicians
- The Danish Association of Consulting Engineers (FRI)
- The Union of Architects and Designers

(The discount cannot be combined with other offers)


Sign up more people from one company and get a discount!

*cannot be combined with other discounts

2 participants
5 % discount

3 participants
10 % discount

4 participants
15 % discount

5+ participants
20 % discount

Former participants tell us...


“The education was very well conducted. I think we have covered the different topics well and gained a good insight into the different situations that can arise in ICT Management and how responsibility is distributed, which gives a good overview “

- Andreas Nielsen, Mangor & Nagel A/S

Nyuddannede IKT-ledere der holder deres certifikater

You will become part of a professional ICT Management Network and meet potential business partners from all parts of the industry. At the same time, you will strengthen your competences and improve your CV.


Next ICT Management Education

October 28 - 30 2024 in Copenhagen - Sign up here >>


Teachers of the ICT Management Education™

The individual teachers of the education are leading professionals who are dedicated to bring theoretical knowledge together with a practical meaning and with focus on construction.

IKT-leder uddannelsen hovedbillede.png

Practical information:

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In Copenhagen at the Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center

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3 full days from 08.00 AM - 04.00 PM

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Expect one day of preparation before the education starts

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2 multiple-choice tests and a group assignment with presentation

et certificerings ikon over en bestået uddannelse

If you pass the tests, you will receive a certificate

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Breakfast, lunch, coffee, tea and cake are served all three days.

About the ICT- Management Education

Ever since the ICT regulations in 2013 stated that ICT tools and processes must be used on all public construction projects above a certain thresholds, the use of ICT has been a central part of the construction industry.

With the entry of ICT in construction, a new important role also emerged: the ICT Manager. This is exactly the role that the ICT Management Education™ prepares you for.

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Who is the target group?

The target group for the ICT Management Education™ is anyone in the construction industry with an interface to or interest in ICT. If you are a construction manager or future manager at a client, consultant, engineer, architect or contractor, this education might be interesting for you.

What do I achieve from the ICT Management Education™?


Understand the requirements

Understand the requirements of the ICT regulations and their implications in relation to the construction process and subsequent operation and maintenance.

ICT- agreement
Draft ICT agreements and ICT specifications and understand the consequences of your choices.

The legal consequences
Learn the legal implications, contractual matters and responsibilities and duties related to the role as an ICT Manager.

Change Management
Putting an ICT strategy into practice and the importance of Change Management.

Minimised risk & better bottom line
Drive projects to completion with minimised risk and a better bottom line, in compliance with applicable laws and requirements.

Concrete tools
You will receive a set of concrete tools specifically designed for the ICT Manager which you can use and share in your organisation.

Certificate rewarding education
In addition to gaining extremely valuable knowledge, you will also receive a certificate, proving that you have completed the ICT Management Education™.

ICT coordination
Lead the ICT coordination through the construction process via a roadmap.

viser et auditorium der holders uddannelser og kurser i

BLC - Strengthen your skills, network and CV

Want to know more or do you have any questions?

Contact: Gitte Daurehøj:

Tel: 53 72 92 87

Email: gd@byggerietsledelsescenter.dk



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